Field Camp

Field Camp Karangsambung

Yayasan Pendidikan Geologi (YPG) Karangsambung is a non-profit organization focusing on education, training, research and social development. Located at Kebumen, Karangsambung inherits a diverse, rich, and divine geological complex. Scarce and unique geological phenomena are inscribed within Karangsambung’s rocks, which are one of the oldest in Indonesia. Karangsambung has given birth to some of Indonesia’s greatest geologists.


Become a modern and existent foundation, internationally recognized, furthermore, synergizing torwards developing geological education in Indonesia and worldwide.


Innovate, disseminate, and implement geology as well as produce outstanding and competitive human resources to advance geology in Indonesia and worldwide.


Karangsambung has been a field campus to many students and researchers for decades. Over 30 universities and 4000 students benefit from this field campus. Development, maintenance, and supervision of the field campus was under Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Indonesia’s previous science and research governmental institution now known as Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN). BRIN envisioned Karangsambung becoming a national geopark. Although a great feat, this limited affordable fasilities for students. YPG Karang Sambung’s goal is to provide affordable fasilities and accomodation for students, while also striving to develop geological education in Indonesia.


YPG Karangsambung was founded on the 10th of November 2021 by the likes of R. P. Koesoemadinata, Made Emmy Relawati Suparka, Lambok M. Hutasoit, Yahdi Zaim, Benyamin Sapiie, Chalid Idham Abdullah, Hilmi Panigoro, Ridwan Djamaluddin, Syamsu Alam, Nanang Abdul Manaf, Idohanta Lubis, Achmad Yani Arief, Deni Rahayu, Mirzam Abdurrachman, Indra Gunawan, Alfend Rudyaman, and IAGL ITB. This foundation is managed by Mirzam Abdurrachman, Alfend Rudyawan, Aria Anugrah, Abdul Bari, and Kamsyadi Chairul Akbar. Since its founding, YPG Karangsambung has acquired a 4 Ha piece of land within Karangsambung’s Amphitheater and built a campus planned to accommodate 200 students. After finishing construction, YPG Karangsambung continues development of its field campus.



Phone/WA: 0812-2042-4036

