Welcome to the Geological Engineering Building at the Bandung Institute of Technology, where a comprehensive suite of advanced facilities awaits exploration. Our laboratories encompass a diverse range of disciplines, including Petrology and Volcanology, where the intricacies of rocks and volcanic processes are studied. Dive into the world of sedimentary rocks in the Sedimentology Laboratory, and explore structural analysis and dynamic geologic processes in the Structural Geology and Geodynamics Laboratory. The Laboratory of Engineering Geology addresses practical applications, ensuring the safety of geological structures. Discover the richness of minerals and their deposits in the Petrography and Mineral Deposit Laboratory, while the Geochemistry Laboratory offers insights into the chemical composition of Earth materials. Unearth the mysteries of prehistoric life in the Paleontology Laboratory, and explore the microscopic realm of ancient organisms in the Micropaleontology Laboratory. For a detailed examination of stratigraphy, the Hi-Res Stratigraphy Laboratory provides cutting-edge tools and methodologies. Additionally, the Klompe Library, our well-equipped library facility, is available for further research and study. To explore each laboratory and the library further, please refer to the list below.
Laboratory of Petrology and Volcanology

The Petrology and Volcanology Laboratory is an integral component of the Geological Science Research Group, specializing in the fundamental fields of petrology and volcanology. Petrology, as a core geological discipline, is dedicated to the study of various rocks present in the Earth’s crust, encompassing igneous rocks, pyroclastic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. In parallel, the laboratory actively engages in the study of volcanology, comprehensively exploring all facets related to volcanic activity.
Laboratory of Sedimentology

The Sedimentology Laboratory is a vital component of the Geological Science Research Group, specializing in the fundamental field of sedimentology. Sedimentology is a key geological discipline that focuses on the study of sediments and sedimentary rocks, offering insights into Earth’s dynamic surface processes. This encompasses the analysis of various sediment types, including clastic, chemical, and organic sediments, as well as the formation and characteristics of sedimentary rocks.
Laboratory of Structural Geology, Geodynamics, and Sandbox

The Geodynamics Laboratory is primarily dedicated to fieldwork, acting as a studio to integrate diverse field data. The facility comprises classrooms, computer rooms, and a sandbox workshop, each serving a unique purpose. The classrooms, accommodating up to 30 students, serve as spaces where students delve into the analysis of kinematics and dynamics of structural geology. Here, they learn to create geological cross-sections using various hands-on methods and present their findings in comprehensive reports.
Laboratory of Engineering Geology

The Engineering Geology Laboratory is a cornerstone of the Geological Science Research Group, specializing in the crucial field of engineering geology. This laboratory plays a pivotal role in the interdisciplinary application of geological principles to civil engineering and environmental projects. Engineering geology involves the study of geological conditions and materials to assess their impact on construction and infrastructure.
Laboratory of Petrography and Mineral Optic

The Laboratory of Petrography and Mineral Optic, part of the Geological Research Group, is a specialized center dedicated to studying rocks and minerals in the Earth’s crust. Focusing on petrology and mineral optics, the lab explores various rock types, including igneous, pyroclastic, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. With advanced tools, it provides students and researchers an environment for petrographic analysis, mineral identification, and exploration with a specialized emphasis on mineral optics. The lab aims to impart comprehensive knowledge and practical skills, enabling individuals to discern the geological significance and economic potential of rocks, minerals, and ores, contributing to our understanding of the Earth’s geological history and resources.
Laboratory of SEM EDS

The Laboratory of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) is a cornerstone within the Geological Science Research Group, specializing in advanced microscopic analysis. SEM-EDS is a powerful combination of techniques that enables researchers to examine the surface morphology of geological specimens at high magnifications while simultaneously obtaining elemental composition information.
Laboratory of Geochemistry

The Laboratory of Geochemistry is a cornerstone within the Geological Science Research Group, dedicated to the in-depth study of the chemical composition of Earth materials. Geochemistry plays a pivotal role in understanding the processes that shape the Earth’s crust, mantle, and core, offering crucial insights into elemental abundances, isotopic compositions, and reaction mechanisms.
Laboratory of Paleontology

The Laboratory of Paleontology is a vital hub within the Geological Science Research Group, dedicated to the meticulous study of Earth’s prehistoric life forms and the evolution of biological systems over geological time scales. Paleontology is a multifaceted discipline that delves into the fossil record, providing critical insights into the diversity, behavior, and environmental adaptations of ancient organisms.
Laboratory of Micropaleontology

The Laboratory of Micropaleontology holds a pivotal role within the Geological Science Research Group, specializing in the microscopic study of fossilized microorganisms and their contributions to our understanding of Earth’s past environments. Micropaleontology encompasses the examination of tiny fossils, including foraminifera, diatoms, and other microscopic organisms, providing valuable insights into paleoenvironmental conditions, climate change, and stratigraphic correlations.
Laboratory of Geology Computation

The Laboratory of Geology Computation, also known as the Geocomputation Lab, is a vital component within the Geological Science Research Group, specializing in the application of computational methods to geological research. This advanced laboratory focuses on harnessing the power of computational tools to analyze and model geological processes, contributing to a deeper understanding of Earth’s dynamic systems.
Klompe Library

The Geological Sciences Library, known as the Klompe Library, is a comprehensive repository within the Geological Science Research Group. It serves as a central hub, housing an extensive collection of geological literature, including textbooks, reference materials, journals, and research publications. The Klompe Library stands as a valuable resource for students, researchers, and faculty members, providing access to a diverse array of geological knowledge.
Stone Garden and Mini Museum

The Stone Garden and Mini Museum, a unique feature within the Geological Science Research Group, stands as a dedicated space with the primary goal of advancing research and development in Indonesian minerals, gemstones, and fossils. This specialized facility is designed to showcase the rich geological diversity of Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of its mineral resources and paleontological treasures.