Final Project Guide

Final Assignment Registration Procedure
- Students enroll in the Microsoft Teams (MST) Final Project Group.
- Students choose a project supervisor and title. The supervisor completes and signs the advisor approval form (Form TA-1).
- Students fill out Form TA-2 (Request for Research Permit Letter and/or use of Facilities/Data) and Form TA-3 (statement of willingness to bear the risks of carrying out the final project in the field and/or company).
- Students create a Final Project Proposal, signed by the supervisor and academic advisor, summarizing the proposed research, including background, problem formulation, research objectives, proposed methods, data acquisition, implementation time, and research cost details.
- Students must have valid Life and Accident Insurance until the Bachelor’s Thesis Defense. The supervisor checks the insurance validity when signing Form TA-1.
- Students upload documents (Form TA-1, Form TA-2, Form TA-3, final project proposal, and insurance proof) to the MST Final Project.
- Based on these documents, the department issues a Letter of Request for Research Permit to the FITB. The FITB Dean then issues the Research Permit Letter.
Related Files
Here are several documents related to the Final Projects of students in the Geological Engineering undergraduate program.
- Final Project Template (30 pages)
- The complete guide of Final Project.
- Content Web Task Force TA-1
- Online Thesis Defense Procedures
- Form TA-1 (Advisor Approval Form)
- Statement Letter for Working on Final Projects from Home
- Form TA-2 (Request for Research Permit Letter and/or Facility/Data Usage)
- Request for Defense Form
- Form TA-3 (Statement of Willingness to Bear Risks during Fieldwork or Company-based Projects)