Laboratory of Paleontology

Laboratory of Paleontology

The Laboratory of Paleontology stands as a crucial hub within the Geological Science Research Group, committed to the thorough examination of Earth’s prehistoric life forms and the evolution of biological systems across geological time scales. As a multifaceted discipline, paleontology encompasses the comprehensive study of the fossil record, serving as a rich repository of information that offers critical insights into the diversity, behavior, and environmental adaptations of ancient organisms. Through the meticulous analysis of fossils, the laboratory contributes significantly to our understanding of the Earth’s biological history, unraveling the mysteries of past ecosystems and the intricate interplay between organisms and their environments.


Paleontology, as pursued in this laboratory, plays a pivotal role in advancing our knowledge of the dynamic changes that have shaped life on Earth. By scrutinizing fossils and deciphering their significance, researchers and students within the laboratory gain a profound understanding of the evolutionary processes that have sculpted the biological diversity witnessed today. The Laboratory of Paleontology, therefore, not only serves as an academic hub for the exploration of Earth’s ancient life forms but also contributes to the broader narrative of our planet’s evolutionary history, fostering a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of life across geological epochs.

