Webinar Geologi ITB Menyapa: Solidaritas untuk Negeri
(Sesi I, May 16th, 2020, 13.00-14.30 WIB, Prof.Dr Emmy Suparka)
In order to open a series of GEOLOGI ITB MENYAPA: Solidaritas Untuk Negeri, we invite you to join the first webinar session “Getting to Know Ophiolites, the Revealed Ocean Floor ” by Prof. Dr. Emmy Suparka (Moderator: Dr.eng. Mirzam Abdurrachman) on Saturday the 16th of May, 2020 starting at 1 PM.
Discussions are held through the Google Meet platform. This discussion will be broadcasted live through the Prodi Teknik Geologi Youtube Channel ( https://bit.ly/2LmEovJ )
Along with this we also open donations for the Covid-19 handling program, which will be distributed through the Covid ITB Task Force. Donations can be sent to the account of the Geology Engineering Study Program as follows:
Bank Mandiri a.n Aswan account number 1300016247861
(please kindly add Rp. 100 to your donation for easy detection, or include “Geology ITB Menyapa” on the transfer news)
See you there!
Cite this presentation : Suparka, Emmy. (2020, May). Mengenal lebih dekat ofiolit. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3831075