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14 Aug 2023

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (Geological Engineering – ITB) Goes to AOGS 2023.

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The Geological Engineering Study Program plays an active role and attends the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) meeting in Singapore on 30 July-4 August 2023.

In this event the Geology Study Program sent 4 lecturers:
Dr. Eng. Mirzam Abdurrachman
Alfred Rudyawan, PhD
Dr. Astyka Pamumpuni and
Dr. Idham Andri Kurniawan
Mrs. Ida Yayuk Purnamasari (International Track Staff)

And the students:

Kevin Gerald Senduk (S2nd Student)
Aisyah Qurrata’aini and Salma Sakinah (S1 Student)
