Webinar Geologi ITB Menyapa: Solidaritas untuk Negeri (Sesi II 30 Mei 2020, 13.00-14.30, Prof.Dr. Yahdi Zaim)
This 2nd series of the Geologi ITB Menyapa: Solidaritas Untuk Negeri proudly presented our own Prof. Yahdi Zaim and hosted by Mika R. Puspaningrum, Ph.D. of the Paleontology and Quaternary Geology Study Group. He took us through the amazing path, full of drama, of the journey in putting pieces of evidence, unearthing the history of mankind in Indonesia. Watch the youtube video, enjoy your two hours of enlightenment. If you would like to know more about the topic, please contact us. Citeable material is available here.

We can beat Covid-19 together! If you would like to donate, below are the detail for the account:
Bank Mandiri: a.n Aswan account number 1300016247861 (please kindly add IDR 100 more to your donation, or include “Geology ITB Menyapa” to the transfer news). The sum donation through this account will be channeled to ITB Covid Task Force.
See you on the next Geologi ITB Menyapa Series in cooperation with Sekolah Bumi and IAGL ITB. Subscribe our Youtube Channel and Instagram Account. Stay Safe and Healthy.