Very Susanto


Dr. Very Susanto, S.T., M.T.

Position Lecturer in Geochemistry
Academic Career Doctorate in Earth Resources Engineering Kyushu University 2016
Bachelor degree Geological Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung 2010
Bachelor degree in Geological Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung 2005
Employment Position Employer Period
Lecturer Institut Teknologi Bandung April 2014 – Now
Visiting scholar/researcher REPS Laboratory, Kyushu University May – Sept, 2010
Teaching/Research Assistant EngGeol Lab. and Env., Institut Teknologi Bandung 2006 – 2009
Research and development projects over the last 5 years
Industry collaboration over the last 5 years
Patents and proprietary rights Title Year
Important publications over the last 5 years 1.      Very Susanto, Kyuro Sasaki, Yuichi Sugai, Wataru Kawasaki, 2016, Field test study on leakage monitoring at a geological CO2 storage site using hydrogen as a tracer. Elsevier: Int. journal of greenhouse gas and control. Vol. 50 (July), 37 – 48.

2.      Kyuro Sasaki, Very Susanto, Ferian Anggara, Amin Yousefi-Sahzabi, Yuichi Sugai  , Taro Kawamura, Takao Kodama, Matsushima Keisuke, 2015, Few Considerations on Problems of CO2 Geological Storage with Carbon Circulation and Proposal of An Integrated Regional Energy System considering Low Carbon Society, J-STAGE: Journal of MMIJ, Vol. 131(8,9), 503-508.

3.      Yuichi Sugai, Very Susanto, Kyuro Sasaki, Ryo Mori, 2015, Spectrophotometric determination of pH change of formation water under high CO2 pressure using a mixed pH indicator. J-STAGE: Journal of MMIJ, Vol. 131 (8), 518-523.

4.      Very Susanto, Kyuro Sasaki, Yuichi Sugai, Teruhisa Yamashiro, 2013, mixing gas migration in fractured rock through unsaturated and water saturated layer: result of pneumatic gas injection test. Elsevier: Energy Procedia 37, pp 3507 – 3512.

Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years Organization Role Period
Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geologist (ISPG) Research and Development Team 2016-2019