
To be able to enroll at Geological Engineering Study Program candidates must:

  1. Enroll at Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FITB) and actively follows the ‘Common Preparatory Program – Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB) in this faculty.
  2. At the end of TPB program, the rank of the student must meet the qualification to enroll at Geology Engineering Study Program. The rank will be evaluate based on combination of GPA, student interest, and Intake of study program. Faculty team will carry out the rank and placement of the candidates. (https://multisite.itb.ac.id/prodigleng/admission/procedure/)
  3. Not blind color
  4. Have a good health to perform field work or filed excursion.

All student of Geology Engineering Study Program must follow compulsory course GL3204 Field Geology where the students will be stay in Karangsambung Field Campus, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province for 32 days. Therefore they must meet standard health qualification.
